Saturday, May 30, 2009

And I begin to learn about organics

Two pics to the right show an 8850 John Deer pulling a deal that sucks "product" out of a tank and drops it on the ground. In my case I am planting alfalfa. This is one step in an attempt at 50 acres of organics. The first step is to fix some Nitrogen with a vigorous weed competing warrior (alfalfa). This little plant will hopefully be the replacement of both fertilizer and chemical.

Thanks to my dad and uncles, I have a bit of land and a bit of equipment to attempt such an endeavor. (a lot of bits of advice are also appreciated)

Here are some other pics from the operation:
to the left i'm rolling the ground. Alfalfa likes a firm seed bed and swathers appreciate squashed (nonexistent) rocks.

To the right is the "John Dee" with plow in tow. Our conventional practice allows us to use Round up and save our stubble (organic matter). I have fallen head over heals in love with OM so it hurt me deep to plow it under. I hope fixing my own N and building the soil in an organic rotation will mend that pain.

ATTRA link about benefits of alfalfa in organics:
Montana Organics link:

Remembering Guatemala

My Guatemala experience set the pace for many of my brain waves from theology to how I see the intricate relationship of all life forms, and therefore my love and increasing infatuation with agriculture and ecosystems. I stumbled across this article about our trip recently.

The ELCA Lutheran Church sent a nationwide delegation to Nicaragua earlier this year. They explored the relationship between poverty and climate change.

More here: