Thursday, March 22, 2007

the farm bill

Bread For the World - Check out its site. It confronts the Farm Bill.
Go to the section on Seeds of Change: Help Farmers. End Hunger.

Tell me what you think. Bread for the World is one approach - if you download their Acrobat reader information it will help inform a bit.
The Farm bill is big and complex, but I see it as a way to redirect money that helps Montana farming communities by taking some from the top and putting it into the pockets of small, mid, and even large farms who need it more than the monster corporate farms.

Montana is not big and corporate like much of America - but the way our communities are shrinking signals that it will go that way unless we become aware of the specifics and press for change.

Many articles that critique the Farm Bill say that the family farm does not exist anymore...I disagree!!! I live on one and am a part of it. But, I will admit that the trends even here in central Montana make it very hard to imagine that the small family farm will continue. Growing up on a farm, living the majority of your time outside close to your family, nature, a treasure that should be fought for.

All around the globe people groups are being forced to leave their lands and communities and go to the factories, to the cities, to a life that splits up family and leads to overall degradation of existence. How can this be reversed? Can the farm bill be part of that?

It can't hurt.

The farm bill's scope is huge - from food stamps to our developing neighbor nations.

I think it is an important and practical way to get involved in our system if you are concerned with the growing gap between the rich and poor and the hunger issue in our country and the world.

check it out.

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